19 year old | she/her | lesbian, aceflux | 🇵🇱PL/🇬🇧ENG

About me

I am a 3D artist, starting my journey with MMD around year 2016 and creating stuff ever since. Additionally, I use Blender in order to create assets from scratch for MMD. My works are of different types, such as: models, stages, accessories/props, renders and animations.

I am also an author of a web-comic called ‘Runaway’ on NamiComi and it is being made in MMD as well.

3D assets/models

Page for a showcase and credits of all my models I have made or edited, OCs and non-OCs.

Page for a showcase of all my stages created from scratch.

Page for a showcase of all my 3D assets created from scratch.


Untitled Database